

vineri, 18 mai 2012

Top 7 Important Websites For Marine Engineers

These websites must be book-marked by all marine engineers!
Putting our own website right at the top of the list might seem like a marketing tactic, but then we do provide a wide range of articles and latest updates on marine engineering and maritime technology in the simplest language possible. Can you deny that?
Marine Insight offers almost everything, from details on construction and operation of ship’s machinery to onboard safety and latest news. The best part is that Marine Insight is made by maritime professionals, for the maritime professionals.
This website has got everything that a marine engineer needs for preparing for the competency exams. Right from the basics to in-depth case studies, this is definitely a one-stop destination for a resourceful marine engineering knowledge.
One of the main reasons Dieselduck is a must-visit website for marine engineers is that it has got loads of information of a variety of subjects related to maritime industry. Don’t miss the great compilation of videos featured in the “Videos” section of the website.
If everything about marine engines gives you an adrenaline rush, then you would adore this website. Herein, marine engines have been dissected, explained, and offered to the readers in the best possible manner. Don’t forget to check out the “horror stories” section of the website – a must read for all maritime professionals.
Just as the previous website is all about marine diesel engines, steam esteem is all about marine boilers. From information on steamships to various problems related to marine boilers, this website seems to have everything on it. If marine boilers is your area of interest or is a subject that is giving you trouble then this is the one-stop destination for you.
Though the bright hub marine engineering channel offers the best of both deck and engine department, there are some great articles on various marine engineering subjects in here. The only drawback is that it is not updated frequently.
Diesel ship is a great website which has some amazing resources on marine engineering. The salient feature of this website is the highly informative technical videos offered by the “dieselshipacademy”. The website also offers examination preparation material along with other useful information.

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