

joi, 13 decembrie 2012

Moldova with a fleet of 400 merchant ships

Moldova is "tormented" with a fleet of 400 merchant ships

While Romania has one operational commercial ship registered under the national flag, over 400 merchant vessels flying the flag of Moldova.

A report by UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) on maritime transport fleet, stated that Moldova had, in 2010, a fleet with a total tonnage of 351,000 tons, twice more than in 2009.

Moldova has managed to attract a large number of foreign ships flying its flag, including two Romanian ships, offering the following advantages:
- Registration takes only one day where the owner has all the required documents;
- Fees are small at first registration and annual renewal compared to other pavilions;
- No age restrictions on ships;
- Discount is granted for vessels aged 10 years;
- There are any restrictions on nationality crews.
No wonder that excessive permissiveness advantage of the authorities, the flag of Moldova fled many ships that do not meet international standards. Therefore, Moldovan flag reached the Paris MOU black list, with 88 ships detained by Port State Control inspections in the period from 2009 to 2011.
In September 2012, Union Against Iran's Nuclear Activities (United Against Nuclear Iran UANI) demanded immediate registration of Moldova to stop Iranian ships under its flag.
While the international community has established naval blockade against the regime in Iran, Moldova registered under its flag 11 vessels owned, operated or management Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines (IRISL) and its affiliates.
UANI asked Moldova to not jeopardize international efforts to isolate the Iranian regime and notified it that may be sanctioned and jeopardize its trade relations with the U.S..
Currently, the Government is considering the adoption of a law on its maritime registry in order to stop the specific practices of flags of convenience.
In the future regulations of shipping companies that require their vessels to fly the flag of Moldova will have to be approved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In addition, vessels violate international rules and laws they can not fly the flag of Moldavian.
Moldovan Prime Minister called for international firms to audit the current fleet. In this operation audit involving three companies in Greece, Panama and the United Kingdom.
Flag of Moldova is perceived as a flag of convenience, with a reputation for good place for a country aspiring to EU membership.

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