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joi, 14 ianuarie 2016

Schimbări importante în lotul Farului

Golgheterul Sorin Chițu a fost ofertat de FC Brașov
Candidată la promovarea în prima ligă, FC Farul Constanța va relua pregătirile pentru partea a doua sezonului luni, 18 ianuarie, antrenorul Constantin Gache chemându-și elevii la ora 10.30, la stadionul din str. Primăverii. Față de lotul folosit în finalul anului trecut, se anunță schimbări importante, mai ales la capitolul achiziții. Astfel, doi dintre jucătorii care au pus umărul la promovarea celor de la Săgeata Năvodari în prima ligă, mijlocașul Ovidiu Vezan și fundașul central Florin Popa, au ajuns la un acord de principiu cu gruparea de pe litoral. Cei doi au evoluat ultima oară la Delta Tulcea, de unde FC Farul ar putea să-l achiziționeze și pe mijlocașul Marius Tigoianu, toți fiind liberi de contract. „Cu Vezan și Popa s-a discutat deja și am ajuns la o înțelegere. În privința lui Tigoianu, urmează ca antrenorul Constantin Gache să decidă”, a spus președintele clubului constănțean, Auraș Brașoveanu. Pe lista jucătorilor doriți de FC Farul se mai află doi jucători din Liga 1, mijlocașii Dinu Todoran și George Călințaru, ambii de la FC Voluntari. Primul a mai evoluat pentru constănțeni în perioada 2004-2008, are 37 de ani și în prima parte a sezonului a prins 16 meciuri în prima ligă, marcând un gol. În schimb, Călințaru, în vârstă de 26 de ani, a mai fost la FC Farul în sezonul 2012/2013 și a bifat doar patru prezențe pentru FC Voluntari în acest campionat.
La capitolul plecări sunt mai multe semne de întrebare, existând varianta pierderii unor titulari indiscutabili. Astfel, golgheterul Sorin Chițu este curtat insistent de o altă formație din liga secundă, FC Brașov, în timp ce fundașul Doru Bratu s-a prezentat deja la pregătirile echipei Rapid București. „Eu cred că vor fi prezenți amândoi la reunirea lotului, mai ales că au contract cu noi până în vară, cu renegociere financiară în această iarnă”, a explicat Brașoveanu. Nici în privința unui eventual cantonament montan nu s-a luat o decizie clară. „Am văzut că multe echipe din liga secundă au ales să facă stagiul de pregătire pe plan local. S-ar putea să facem și noi la fel, ținând cont de condițiile de care dispunem la propria bază sportivă, dar și de condițiile meteo”, a declarat Brașoveanu.

Lucian Marinof, directorul centrului de copii și juniori de la Academia Farul: „FC Farul și-a tras mereu seva din sau de lângă mare”
Lucian Marinof, directorul centrului de copii și juniori de la Academia Farul: „FC Farul și-a tras mereu seva din sau de lângă mare”
Academia Farul Constanța organizează selecție pentru grupele de copii născuți în anii 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 și 2010. Selecția se adresează copiilor din municipiul Constanța, dar și celor din județul Constanța. „Pentru relații și informații aveți la dispoziție numărul de telefon 0721.08.26.83 (Lucian Marinof) sau vă așteptăm la sediul nostru din Strada Primăverii zilnic între orele 9.00 și 16.00”, spun reprezentanţii Academiei. „FC Farul și-a tras mereu seva din sau de lângă mare. Cei mai mari jucători pe care Farul i-a avut au fost constănțeni. Credem că putem construi o Academie puternică, cu jucători din Constanța și din împrejurimi. Ne gândim și la un program județean de descoperire a tinerelor talente”, a declarat Lucian Marinof, directorul centrului de copii și juniori de la Academia Farul.

Nu spera si nu ai teama,
Ce e val ca valul trece;
De te-ndeamna, de te cheama,
Tu ramâi la toate rece."
O seară liniștită sa aveți!

Daniel Drozd Danke Marcelo, ich wünsche dir alles Gute bei Celta Vigo. Wir werden dich nie vergessen

Bruno Labbadia abschließend: "Unter diesen Voraussetzungen wird die Rückrunde eine große Herausforderung für uns. Wir können nicht sagen, dass hier alles gut gelaufen ist. Wir sind gefordert, die Dinge in die richtige Richtung zu lenken."

Lasogga: "Ich lebe Fußball"

Ultimul zvon de mercato: Mutu, la Viitorul? Trupa lui Hagi, egal în primul amical din 2016. Ianis Hagi a ratat un penalty / VIDEO

Viitorul este pe punctul de a da o lovitură de imagine, prin transferul lui Adrian Mutu, 37 de ani, liber de contract după ce și-a încheiat conturile cu indienii de la Pune City.
Trupa lui Gică Hagi a încheiat la egalitate, scor 1-1, primul joc susţinut, vineri, la turneul internaţional Arena Cup 2016, care are loc la Medulin (Croaţia).
Golurile au fost marcate de Vlad Rusu (min.81) şi Ilija Nedtrovski (min.31-pen.).
Viitorul ar fi putut obţine victoria, însă Perju (min.57, bară de la 25 m), I. Hagi (min.71, penalty executat puţin pe lângă poartă) şi Benzar (min.76, anticipat de portar în situaţie de unu la unu) au irosit şanse importante de poartă.
Echipa aliniată de FC Viitorul:
Repriza I: Buzbuchi – Nicoliţă, Hodorogea, Boli, Ganea – Marin, Nedelcu, Casap – Chiţu, Cernat, Tănase.
Repriza a II-a: Pecanha – Benzar, Ţîru, Mitache, Perju – Achim, Filip, Dumitrescu – Rusu, I. Hagi, Coman.
Următorul meci al Viitorului la “Arena Cup 2016″ va avea loc luni (18 ianuarie), contra formaţiei croate Slaven Belupo. Meciul este programat de la ora locală 15.00, (ora 16.00 în România).
Urmăriţi în continuare rezumatul partidei FC Viitorul – Inter Zapresic 1-1

Organizatorii turneului internaţional Arena Cup 2016 l-au invitat, joi, pe Gică Hagi să dea lovitura de începere a competiției.

Are chip angelic, dar cînd se dezbracă încinge imaginaţia bărbaţilor!

Românca de 27 de ani care a făcut înconjurul lumii cu creaţiile ei cu motive etno. Vinde pe toate continentele

Check out Raquel Benetti!
Posted by DJ Mosaken on Monday, November 16, 2015

sâmbătă, 9 ianuarie 2016

SUPER FAST stealth attack boat for the US military and Navy

Another great idea for the us military and us navy . This fast attack stealth boat will make a difference. GHOST is a super-cavitating surface craft which is able to achieve 900 times less hull friction compared to a conventional watercraft and is developed by US Citizens for the US Navy at no cost to the US government for providing superior protection to US service personnel. The craft was built by Juliet Marine Systems. The secrecy orders on the project were removed on 11 August 2011[1]

The Ghost uses a gyro-stabilized dual-pontoon supercavitating hull to run at top speed through 10-foot seas. Called small waterplane-area twin-hull (SWATH), it is controlled by 22 computer-controlled underwater control surfaces. When at rest or moving slowly, the Ghost sits in the water on its centerline module. At eight knots or faster, the high-grade marine aluminum buoyant hulls lift the vessel and achieve full stability. Propulsion on the prototype is provided by T53-703 turboshaft engines, with the company planning to replace them with the General Electric T700 turboshaft. The Ghost has achieved speeds of over 30 knots, and is being tested to 50 knots. It can perform several different missions including anti-surface warfare (ASuW), anti-submarine warfare (ASW), and mine countermeasures (MCM): ASuW armament consists of the M197 20mm rotary cannon and launch tubes that expel exhaust downward between the struts of the SWATH hulls, concealing and dissipating the thermal signature of the launch for BGM-176B Griffin missiles and Advanced Precision Kill Weapon System rockets, with an electro-optical/infrared (EO/IR) sensor and radar; an ASW version could be equipped with an EO/IR sensor, radar, sonobuoy launch tubes, a dipping sonar, and four aft-firing torpedo tubes; an MCM version could be equipped with a towing boom to lower and raise two towed mine-hunting sonars, such as the Kline 5000 or Raytheon AN/AQS-20A. The current Ghost costs $10 million per copy, is crewed by 3-5 sailors, and can be partially disassembled to fit in a C-17 Globemaster III for transport if needed. It is designed for fleet protection for navies with few blue-water needs but require a small and affordable craft in large numbers for near-shore maritime border patrol and defense missions; it is being offered to international customers including Bahrain, Qatar, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, and Singapore. High-level discussions have been held with a foreign nation interested in 25 Ghosts for a potential $300 million sale. Juliet Marine is also offering a scaled-up version of the Ghost to the U.S. Navy as part of their re-evaluation of the Littoral Combat Ship program. Plans are to build a corvette-sized Ghost of 150 ft (46 m) in length or more costing about $50 million per vessel, six times cheaper than the $300 million per-ship cost of a current Freedom-class and Independence-class littoral combat ship. One impediment to the U.S. Navy procuring the Ghost is the desire of senior Navy leaders to have large-hulled oceangoing vessels that can also perform inshore operations rather than smaller craft specialized for inshore missions.[2][3]

Juliet Marine Systems is a maritime technology think tank that is developing innovative solutions for naval and commercial applications. We seek to assure fleet force protection in response to small vessel terrorist attacks against our Navy and coalition ships. There is a clear and present danger of these tactics being used against the U.S. Navy throughout the world and in our home ports. These same innovative technologies, applied to commercial needs, will provide a significant decrease in transit time and increase in energy efficiency, resulting in the savings of thousands of gallons of fuel daily.

Our Navy is in a revolutionary period of change. Historic military tactics combined with modern materials and technology present a formidable fleet protection challenge for our Navy today. One of the greatest threats to our Navy is low tech vessel attacks with conventional explosives, as seen on October 12, 2000, when the USS Cole was attacked, killing 17 sailors and wounding 39 others and in the continued success of pirates. As a maritime systems think tank, Juliet Marine Systems provides offensive, defensive and ISR solutions that are developed in a skunk works operation able to rapidly invent and construct needed technologies and systems for the Navy and armed forces. We have already developed a surface variant of a super cavitating craft and are planning to apply our unique technology in a UUV prototype.

While the GHOST is a surface vessel, the hydrodynamics of the twin submerged buoyant tubular foils are also a test bed for Juliet Marine's next planned prototype, a long duration UUV. The GHOST is a revolutionary proprietary technology vessel platform that will assure force protection through stealth fighter/attack capabilities along with integrated situation awareness.

SUPER FAST US Navy M80 Stiletto Stealth Ship
The United States Navy (USN) is the naval warfare service branch of the United States Armed Forces and one of the seven uniformed services of the United States.
The M80 Stiletto is a prototype naval ship manufactured by the M Ship Company as an operational experiment for The Pentagon's Office of Force Transformation. It is notable for its Pentamaran hull design and carbon fiber construction, as well as its networked architecture.
The M80 Stiletto is a U.S. Navy vessel designed for combat in littoral waters. It takes the name from the Italian Stiletto, a short knife or dagger.

The 88-foot (27 m) long vessel has a notable hull design, an M-shaped hull that provides a stable yet fast platform for mounting electronic surveillance equipment or weapons, or for conducting special operations. The hull design does not require foils or lifting devices to achieve a smooth ride at high speeds in rough conditions. Its shallow draft means the M80 Stiletto can operate in littoral and riverine environments and potentially allows for beach landings. The faceted design suggests that the vessel has a low radar signature (i.e., stealth) in the frontal aspect and somewhat so from the sides.

The M80 Stiletto is equipped with four Caterpillar, Inc. C32 1232 kW (1652 HP) engines yielding a top speed in excess of 50 knots (90 km/h) and a range of 500 nautical miles (900 km) when fully loaded. It can be outfitted with jet drives for shallow water operations and beaching.

It has a topside flight deck for launching and retrieving UAVs and a rear ramp that can launch and recover an 11-meter rigid-hull inflatable boat (RIB) or Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV).

It weighs 45 tons unloaded, light enough that it can be hoisted onto a cargo ship, while still able to carry up to 20 tons of cargo. The ship is 88.6 feet (27.0 m) in length, with a width of 40 feet (12 m) and a height of 18.5 feet (5.6 m), yet has a draft of only 2.5 feet (0.8 m).

The M80 Stiletto is the largest U.S. naval vessel built using carbon-fiber composite and epoxy building techniques, which yields a very light but strong hull. The prototype M80 Stiletto is expected to be in use in less than one year. Ships are expected to cost between $6 and $10 million.
Historically, ships have evolved to become narrower and deeper to achieve speed and stability. The M Hull however become wider, because its distinctively wide hull captures the vessel's bow wave and redirects the energy under the hull. The Stiletto's double-M hull enables the craft to achieve an unequaled ride in rough seas at high speed, which is critical for the Navy SEALS and other Special Operations Forces, because it reduces the G-forces and related injuries these personnel are subjected to during training and on missions.

The Stiletto is being tested by the United States Navy SEALs and Special Warfare Combat Crewmen, who operate small, fast craft in the rough littoral seas for which the vessel was designed.
In 2006 and 2007, the Stiletto participated in Trident Warrior exercises, as well as a number of other naval exercises. This included three days of mine-clearing experimentation during Exercise Howler in 2006, when the vessel was operated by the Naval Special Clearance Team-1 (NSCT-1) from the Naval Amphibious Base in Coronado.

A key feature of this vessel is that it can set up a network between a special forces team by launching an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) that relays information between the team and boat. The Stiletto can also carry surveillance UAVs to provide reconnaissance for the SEAL team, and, using a clustered supercomputer on board, will be able to send real-time images to the team on shore.

The Stiletto was selected by Time magazine as one of the Best Inventions of 2006 and one of two inventions in the Armed Forces category.[1] San Diego-based CONNECT named the M80 Stiletto as the Most Innovative New Product for 2006 in the General Technology category.

In 2008, the Stiletto deployed on a 70 day mission for USSOUTHCOM as part of a joint agency operation that included the Drug Enforcement Administration and U.S. Coast Guard.[2]

In July 2012, the US Navy deployed a Stiletto to retrieve the NASA Inflatable Reentry Vehicle Experiment 3 (IRVE-3) test article[3] with 3 m (9.8 ft) diameter heat shield which splashed down in the Atlantic Ocean off North Carolina after being launched on July 23 by a sounding rocket from NASA's Wallops Flight Facility. The Stiletto is referred to as a maritime demonstration craft operated by the Naval Surface Warfare Center Carderock, Combatant Craft Division, and based at Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Ft Story, Va.[4]
The United States Navy (USN) is the naval warfare service branch of the United States Armed Forces and one of the seven uniformed services of the United States. It is larger than the next 13 largest navies combined in terms of battle fleet tonnage, according to one estimate.[5][6] The U.S. Navy also has the world's largest carrier fleet,

Integrated Solutions to Support Safe Cargo Handling Operations

Level Master cargo handling support and tank gauging solutions by Musasino bring together our long experience in marine equipment with state of the art and innovative new systems. From level gauging equipment, through the network architecture and operating software, we have developed and refined streamlined solutions for a wide variety of applications.
Level Master – 11 solutions are founded on the principle of providing support for safe and accurate cargo handling operations. The on-deck gauges provide current conditions to the tank monitoring and cargo planning software applications, giving the crew the information they need when they need it. Operators are immediately alerted to any alarm limits being exceeded or to any failures in the system. Theoperator interface allows straight-forward setting of cargo parameters and alarm points. Cargo planning functions assist the crew in drawing up safe cargo loading and discharging plans through simulations based on current onboard conditions and user input. The operator interface is designed to integrate signals from other manufacturers' equipment as desired, and can facilitate monitoring and control for pumps and valves.

Operator Interface and Software

Level Gauges and Alarms

Portable Level Detector

  • • Level Porta air-purge type portable level detector for ballast tanks
  • • Level Cera Portable hydrostatic pressure type level gauge for bunker and ballast tanks
  • Pipeline, Pump & Valve Monitoring & Control
  • Musasino makes full use of frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW) radar technology in the Level Echo Ace cargo tank gauge. The detector emits microwaves throughout the 10GHz band, calculating the distance to the liquid cargo surface (ullage) from the time it takes to receive the return signal. The built-in processor sends a digital signal directly to the display in the cargo control room, and to the on-deck display if included.

    Key Features & Benefits

    • • FMCW technology
    • • Accurate and reliable
    • • Built-in digital signal processing
    • • Built-in self-diagnostic function
    • • Built-in tank pressure sensor
    • • Small, lightweight
    • • Easy maintenance
    In addition to the tank level gauging function, a tank gas pressure sensor is built in to the housing. Signals from the tank temperature gauge are also processed and sent in a bundle with the other tank information, reducing the amount of wiring needed on deck.
    The housing is small and lightweight, yet designed to endure the harsh conditions found on the decks of tankers. The hoop clamp closure allows easy access when maintenance or inspection is necessary.
    All devices and equipment produced by Musasino for use in hazardous areas or potentially explosive environments are certified as intrinsically safe.
    Specifications differ between models in the same line.
  • Level Master Ace (LMA) is the most recent design of our original level gauge. For over 45 years, this gauge has proven to be reliable, accurate and versatile. The choice of materials, features and measuring range allow LMA to be used on a wide range of ships and for a wide variety of applications.

    Key Features & Benefits

    • • Proven accuracy, reliability, and durability
    • • Simple, robust design
    • • Wide range of applications
    • • Range of options and functions
    • • Maximum 40 meter measuring range
    • • Low maintenance
    • • Available self-diagnostic function
    The basic methodology of LMA has not changed much since the first installation, though we have continued to improve the overall design and functionality. A float containing magnets rises and falls along the guide pipe triggering reed switches embedded in the sensor element. Depending on customer requirements, LMA can be fitted with a built-in pressure sensor and built-in temperature sensors, reducing wiring requirements and the need for any further deck penetrations. With various options for float shape and materials, LMA can be applied to a wide range of liquids.
    All devices and equipment produced by Musasino for use in hazardous areas or potentially explosive environments are certified as intrinsically safe.
    Specifications differ between models in the same line.
  • air-purge type level gauge

  • Level Aeran 2 (LA2) uses a unique technology to deliver high accuracy ballast tank monitoring efficiently. Rather than the constant flow of air to the purge head used in traditional designs, LA2 uses a series of solenoid valves to regulate air flow and ultimately reduce the amount of air - and energy - needed for accurate level gauging. By intermittently stopping the supply of air, stable pressure is maintained during measurement. An added benefit is that the slightly higher air pressure that follows helps keep the purge head clear of blockage.

    Key Features & Benefits

    • • High accuracy
    • • Low air consumption
    • • Small on-deck and control room footprints
    • • Automated air control and atmospheric pressure adjustments
    • • Built-in self-diagnostics
    We have designed the control box to handle up to 24 tanks, yet still take up little space. Integrating the wiring and air supply pipes, along with the small purge head, has kept the deck space needed for an LA2 installation to a minimum.
    All devices and equipment produced by Musasino for use in hazardous areas or potentially explosive environments are certified as intrinsically safe.
    Specifications differ between models in the same line.
  • ultrasonic type independent alarm

  • Level Watch 2 (LW2) was designed as an independent high level and overfill alarm for cargo tanks that would have no moving parts or need calibration for different applications. The detector works by sending an ultrasonic wave between a transmitter and a receiver. When liquid comes between the two, there is a change in the strength of the wave reaching the receiver, and the alarm is triggered.

    Key Features & Benefits

    • • Simple and robust structure
    • • No moving parts
    • • Simple operational testing
    • • Digital signal processing
    • • Standard self-diagnostic function
    • • Wide range of applications
    LW2 works with a range of applications, and is designed to stand up to the harsh conditions found in cargo tanks, such as sloshing and vibration.
    All devices and equipment produced by Musasino for use in hazardous areas or potentially explosive environments are certified as intrinsically safe.
    Specifications differ between models in the same line.
  • hydrostatic pressure type level gauge

  • Level Cera (LC) is designed for use in fresh water, sea water and fuel tanks, and as a draft gauge. To combat the corrosive effects of sea water, LC has been given a corrosion-resistant ceramic diaphragm and sensor housing. This helps prolong the operating life and reduce the maintenance requirements. The gauge works by converting the water pressure on the diaphragm in to a level reading. A signal processor in the gauge housing puts out a digital signal to the control room display.

  • Level Watch III

    ultrasonic type water ingress alarm / dryness sensor

  • Level Watch III (LWIII) uses ultrasonic waves to detect the presence of water or other liquids in the cargo holds of bulkers and other dry cargo ships, as well as in other areas where it may be necessary to detect water ingress. Various mounting configurations for LWIII are available, but the basic functions of the detector remain the same. LWIII is mounted at a set point. When water submerges the transmitter and receiver in the probe, there is a change in the ultrasonic wave that reaches the receiver. This change activates the alarm.

    Key Features & Benefits

    • • Robust architecture
    • • Simple design and maintenance
    • • No moving parts
    • • Range of installation configurations
    • Float Switch

      horizontal float type level gauge

    • Float Switch (FS) is a versatile little gauge that has been recently redesigned. The gauge mounts on the sidewall of a tank to provide high or low level indications. Once the level of the liquid in the tank passes the float arm, a magnet in the base of the arm triggers a reed switch in the detector. It is a simple design that requires very little maintenance.

      Key Features & Benefits

      • • Light weight
      • • Simple maintenance
      • • Multiple applications
      FS can be used for fresh water, sea water, chemical and petroleum product applications.
      All devices and equipment produced by Musasino for use in hazardous areas or potentially explosive environments are certified as intrinsically safe.
      Specifications differ between models in the same line.

Reteta de Toba de Porc

Cea mai delicioasa de toba de casa: ingrediente
- 2 urechi de porc
- 2 rinichi de porc
- o limba de porc
- un bucata de muschi de porc
- o inima de porc
- un stomac de porc
- 250 de grame de slanina cu carne
- o jumatate de kilogram de pulpa de porc
- 4 catei de usturoi
- sare
- piper macinat
- piper boabe
- foi de dafin
Modalitate de preparare

Pentru toba de porc traditionala cureti stomacul de porc de membrana interioara. Cel mai usor se curata cu sare grunjoasa. Il speli, il lasi o ora in apa cu otet si o ceapa taiata felii, dupa care il speli bine. In macelarii se poate gasi si gata curatat.
Se pun la fiert toate organele, muschiul, slanina si pulpa. Se adauga boabele de piper, sare dupa gust si foile de dafin. Se lasa la fiert o ora dupa ce au dat in fiert. Se scot si se lasa sa se raceasca. Se curata limba de pielita alba. Se toaca totul cubulete mai mari, se pune intr-un vas si se adauga usturoiul pisat, sare si piper macinat, dupa gust si doua polonice cu zeama in care au fiert.
Se umple stomacul cu compozitie si se coasa deschizatura. Pentru a fi sigur ca nu se sparge toba se poate introduce intr-o bucata de dres, prinzand bine la capete. Se pune zeama in care au fiert organele pe foc si cand da in clocot se pune toba. Se lasa la fiert 30 minute. Din cand in cand se inteapa cu un ac de cusut mai mare.
Se scoate din zeama cu o paleta, se aseaza intr-un lighean, se pune un fund de lemn rotund peste ea si o greutate. Toba de porc se lasa la rece pana a doua zi. Se poate lasa si mai mult, important este sa stea la rece.
Toba de porc este un preparat care nu lipsește de pe masa tradițională de Crăciun. Iată cum să faceți ușor, tobă de casă, gustoasă și sănătoasă.


  • capatana de porc – un sfert, 1.5 kilograme
  • inima de porc – o bucata, 300 de grame
  • ficat de porc – o bucata, 400 de grame
  • splina de porc – o bucata, 200 de grame
  • sorici – 100 de grame
  • slanina – 100 de grame
  • carne de porc – mai grasa, 200 de grame
  • stomac de porc – o bucata
  • cimbru – uscat, o lingurita
  • foi de dafin – cateva frunze
  • sare – dupa gust
  • piper – cateva boabe si macinat (dupa gust)
  • gelatina – un pliculet
Cateva precizari inainte sa ne apucam:
  • Eu am folosit stomac de porc cumparat din supermarket. Era intr-o caserola patrata si pastrat in sare. Vi-l recomand mai mult decat pe cel proaspat, decat daca il aveti din surse sigure. Stomacul se lasa peste noapte la inmuiat in apa cu otet, sa ii se duca mirosul. Apoi se intoarce pe dos si se elimina pielita interioara. O sa vedeti ca are tot felul de pielite cu grasimi pe acolo care trebuie indepartate. Sa il lasati asa pe dos pentru ca asa il vom umple. Cu interiorul la exterior.
  • Capatana de porc se parleste daca mai are par pe ea si se razuie cu un cutit de toata negreala de la parlit.
Sa ne apucam acum de toba:
  • Intr-o oala mare puneti la fiert bucata de capatana impreuna cu foi de dafin si boabe de piper.
Toba de porc Toba de porc
  • Intr-o a doua oala fierbeti organele si intr-o a treia, la inceput, puneti slanina si carnea de porc, si mai tarziu soriciul pentru ca fierbe mai repede decat cele doua. Punem si peste cele dintr-a treia oala foi de dafin si boabe de piper.
Toba de porc Toba de porc
  • Lasam toate ingredientele sa fiarba bine. La mine s-au fiert mai repede organele. Fierberea tuturor a durat cam doua ore jumate. Capatana fierbe cel mai greu. Cand carnea si slanina au fost aproape gata am adaugat si soriciul.
Toba de porc
  • Dupa ce se fierb toate le lasam sa se raceasca.
Toba de porc Toba de porc Toba de porc
  • Organele, slanina si carnea le-am taiat in cubulete. Soriciul si urechea porcului le-am taiat in feliute subtiri. Pe capatana de porc se mai afla carne si slanina pe care am desfacut-o si taiat-o, tot asa, in cubulete.
Toba de porc Toba de porc Toba de porc Toba de porc Toba de porc
  • Dupa ce ati terminat cu tocatul, puneti toate ingredientele intr-un castron si condimentati-le cu sare, piper si cimbru, dupa gust. Gustati sa vedeti daca are tot ce ii trebuie.
Toba de porc Toba de porc
  • Legati stomacul de porc cu sfoara la capatul mai subtire. Apoi incepeti sa il umpleti prin partea cealalta. Nu il umpleti pana la refuz pentru ca riscati sa se sparga la fiert.
Toba de porc Toba de porc
  • Acum puneti 2-3 plonice din zeama in care a fiert capatana si amestecati in ea gelatina.
Toba de porc Toba de porc Toba de porc
  • Turnati zeama in stomacul de porc peste carne. Nu puneti multa, ci cat sa se formeze gelatina printre bucatile de carne. Legati-o si la celalat capat.
  • Acum, folosind cel mai fin ac pe care il aveti, faceti cateva gauri prin care sa iasa aerul.
  • Toba se pune la fiert in zeama de la capatana amestecata cu cea de la carne. Se lasa la fiert 20 de minute pana se fierbe stomacul.
  • Se scoate din zeama si se pune pe un tocator de lemn. Peste toba se mai pune un tocator si peste el o greutate. Eu am folosit o oala cu apa, in lipsa de altceva. Se lasa asa la presat 12 ore.
Toba de porc Toba de porc Toba de porc
  • Dupa cele 12 ore este gata de taiat si savurat alaturi de ceapa rosie, mustar si hrean.
Pofta buna!
  1. In cazul tragic in care toba se sparge la fiert nu disperati. Culegti-o din oala impreuna cu bucatele care au iesit din ea. Folosind ata, ac, coaseti-o bine si mai turnati zeama printre cusaturi. Daca o puteti coase ati salvat masa de Craciun si orele depuse.
  2. shaorma de casa, reteta shaorma, shaorma de pui reteta


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